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Every aspects of continuous development are presented here about legitimation:
1- regards the market oriented operations
2- regards the contributory processes
- Dashboard Editor
- dashboard\ network admin
- workflow recipe to plan
- grant writing
- list-of-Agreements
- –normative system
- -governance
- -value equation
- -partnership
- -custodian
- -specific
- “login to” legit page
3- regards the open value network and the common value
4- refers to open contributory system
- Legit Registry | 000-00-0
- inclusive governance premises
- inclusive governance principles
- inclusive cultural covenant
5- connects with common networks and open supply chains
- Dissemination
- D.istributive G.overnance F.ramework
- ~ -based networks
- patent acquisition program
- intro to economic analysis
- D.istributive G.overnance F.ramework
- Affiliation
- Distributed Circles
- Cutting-edge Technologies
- convivialTOOL\disCoo
- disco.NP
- root-of-Discoo
- ‘for distr. coop. practices
- DAOs
- Entity_1: brand-based
- Entity_2: liability-based
- ‘FILE’
- Branding
- Collaborative Economy HUB
- Rare Skills HUB
- Progr-AM-Office
- ::1vDSI
- :2vDSI
- …developing continuously
6- connects with generative entrepreneurial coalitions
- Crafting legal argument
- Discovery Network
- S.ouvereign A. ccountable C.ommons
- C.reating S.hared V.alue